that's Caleb when we were at the lake
he's probably thinking about Star Wars
2) Sometimes I'll plunk out a few notes from some of the various Star Wars themes on our piano. Why? Because every single time, no matter where Caleb is, he'll come running down to our living room with excitement and his arms waving as he hums the theme.
Hannah captured this beauty
3) Last year I took my kids to the Minnesota Orchestra for a Movies and Music concert. Even Caleb. Why, again? The first song they played was the theme from Star Wars. Caleb literally jumped up out of his seat and started using his program as a light saber.
4) The other fave of Caleb -- and Brennan? Legos. They spend hours building with Legos (and I spend hours cleaning). And taking pictures with my camera of their creations.
legos, legos, legos everywhere
6) Speaking of ice, we had a nasty ice storm here in Minnesota. My in-laws (including my sister-in-law) were in an accident on their way home from our home. The ice coated the roads instantly, and when they were about 2 miles from their home they approached a hill where everyone stalled or spun out. My father-in-law attempted to get up the hill, stalled, and then was hit by a car going over the hill who couldn't stop.
7) They found out the next day that the man who hit them was trying to go help his daughter who spun-out a mile farther down the road. There were almost 400 accidents in the metro area. After 11 pm.
8) My in-laws are fine. My mother-in-law sprained her wrist. However, they had to wait over 4hours in the ditch. With eight other cars. Including a pizza delivery guy who spun out after them and ended up right next to them. The police officer joked that maybe they'd all end up with free pizza.
9) Their car? Probably totaled. (Although I really hope not.) But, they're safe. And ultimately that's truly all that matters.
10) Want to know the thread linking this seemingly random miscellany? Well, my in-laws were at our house the day of the accident for a birthday party where Star Wars Legos were given to my other son Brennan. However, Caleb, who is two years younger, exclaimed, "this is the best day ever!" The joys of the large family.
Brennan the birthday boy
thinking about how he can keep those legos together