my mother-in-laws salt & pepper shakers
Our newspaper was almost three inches thick yesterday. Ads stuffed the interior, with their glossy pages ladened with deals. As I sat -- post turkey and slightly comatose -- perusing the ads I could feel my attitude shifting.
From gratitude to wanting.
All of a sudden what I did have seemed old. Inadequate. Out-date. Or I simply didn't have it and now found myself wanting it.
Then I stopped.
Not that shopping or looking at ads is bad. Not at all -- in fact I'll probably be going out later today. It came down to my heart. Here I lamented not having cool gadgets, or a new couch, or some great boots -- and there are children around the world eagerly waiting for a shoe box of gifts (my Hannah will be working at Operation Christmas Child today packaging those boxes). Or those without food who await a simple bologna sandwich each day. (see my post on 363days) Because they have nothing. Or at least very little.
Who am I to complain? Where did my heart go when I picked up that tome of ads? When did entitlement creep in?
Then last night I came home to read and comment on the ABC's of Thanks Link Ups. I simply was blown away reading the lists. The amount of blessings that I overlooked was glaring. And yet, when I read your lists, I was humbled. Reminded. And so so grateful.
Today, on Black Friday, can I encourage you to read some of the ABC's of Thanks lists or to write your own? You don't need to link-up -- it's not about pressure -- it's more about keeping the heart centered on the blessings in our lives versus the onslaught of ads pushing things they want us to have. Those items in the ads are good -- blessings -- shopping is a blessing -- it's just keeping the heart centered and focused and content. It's the difference between need and want. For me writing down items of thanks and reading lists of gratitude re-centered my heart. I think, my friends, you'll be blessed.
I am joyfully thankful today.

(if you haven't done yours and would like to I've kept the link open till Saturday.
The link is above. And thank you to all who linked up.)