sweet moments

I love little moments with my children.  More often, they're not planned -- they're those times that just happen.  I've learned to savor those sweet, blessed, moments in time.  Time is fleeting. The little ones grow.

They won't fit in my lap forever.

So, today, I read.  The same story again and again and again and again....

....and again and again and...
again and again...
and again.


Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

Hannah asked me to host Lovely Photo Wednesday for her one more time.  Thanks for linking in  -- I'm really grateful -- I wanted to keep Hannah's project up and running. Now, I'm going to have a hard time giving this up when she returns.  I've been blessed getting to view your pictures and getting glimpses into your lives.

(Hannah told me to remind you.....)
.... to link up and comment on at least 3 other blogs. :)