Okay, as I was prepping for my Thanksgiving post I tried to imagine a creative way to list just some of the many things I'm grateful for. As I pondered options my little Elijah kept singing the ABC's and next thing you know I made a list of ABC's attached with a couple thankful items.
Then Hannah and I talked and we decided to make it a link-up. Well, I couldn't do it without her, since she made the button. :)
Anyways, here are my ABC'S of Thanks.
a) angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream. This is my favorite birthday cake.
b) Bible -- how easy it is to lose thanks for this gift. I am so grateful for God's Word.
c) coffee. Any kind.
d) dinnertime with my family
e) energy -- really, really thankful for energy when I seem to have none.
f) family. My husband, Todd. And my fabulous kids -- Hannah, Chloe, Grace, Brennan, Caleb, Elijah, and Samuel.
g) gardens -- where I can work the soil and see new life, new growth.
h) hugs from my little ones
i) instant coffee (sorry, couldn't resist, but sometimes it works out in the pinch)
j) joy. This couldn't be my list without joy. (at first I listed jellybeans, but realized that joy had more impact and I realized that if I made the letter f finding it wouldn't make any sense until you got to j. I think I might need some more instant coffee.)
k) knitting needles
l) listening friends, loving friends, loyal friends
m) my graphic designing daughter, Hannah, who made me my button. :)
n) new socks
o) optimism -- I've learned to look at the beauty and joy in life.
p) Philippians. Anyone who reads this blog will know that I love, love, love to reference Philippians.
q) quietness (ha ha ha -- that's obvious)
r) remission. Five years ago I didn't know if we would make it five years more.
s) summer vacations at the lake
t) Todd. (want to hear something funny? I couldn't think of anything for t -- besides Thai food -- and then Hannah says, I've got a super obvious one, mom. Oh, yeah, that would be Todd. My husband, second to Thai food. I'm kidding. He's awesome.)
u) USA. It goes along with freedom. We're blessed to live here -- we must not forget that.
v) vehicles to drive with -- especially ones that fit my whole family -- and they must have
w) windshield wipers
x) x-rays. I know, seems obvious, but seriously, could you imagine if we didn't have them? As a mom I've been thankful for many x-rays. Including the one that helped save Samuel. See starstuck.
y) you all. I am blessed beyond measure by the friendships made via the blogging world. Blessed.
z) zoos -- which most days would be my home -- to which I am so grateful.
If you want to list your own ABC's of Thanks grab the button and link below. I'm hoping you do -- as I'm kind of putting myself out there with this link-up-thingy. So for all of you that link up, thank you, thank you, thank you! Try to comment on a couple other blogger's lists -- and mention how thankful you are for them as well. The linky will be open till Saturday. So you have time. I can't wait to read your lists! :)
Make sure to grab a button and include it in your post...and go ahead and write away. I can't wait to read your answers for the letter x and z!
And feel free to comment with some thankful things -- I love the attitude of gratitude!
Have a Blessed and Grateful Thanksgiving my blogging friends!!