1) Samuel and I are awake right now. When he wakes up he starts saying, "momma, momma, momma." I'm thankful beyond words for the gift of life. I'm humbled that I get to be his momma -- I need to keep my eyes aware and open and full of gratitude.
2) Hannah and Chloe were on a youth retreat this weekend. The challenge? Taking a stand for Christ. I am grateful for the leaders, my friends, who recognize the importance of investing in the next generation.
3) Here's a video of Hannah singing at church yesterday. Her love for the Lord shines through.
Love Is Here :: 180 Youth Music Team :: Living Hope Church, October 31, 2010 from Joshua Skogerboe on Vimeo.
4) Speaking of an awesome church, I really thankful for Josh Skogerboe. He recorded this video, leads worship, and speaks truth. I'm also thankful that he married my amazing friend, Amy. God has blessed me with them. Check out his blog here
Amy, myself, and my friend Julie
you can see Josh -- he's the shadow on my face. :)
5) Yesterday, my awesome neighbor, Maria, came over to test out some cool cleaning product she had purchased. First, I'm grateful -- she cleaned my entire stove and some cabinets, and I must say, they look fabulous. But, more importantly, I am thankful for her -- an awesome neighbor, but more importantly -- friend. We are so blessed to live where we do and have the most excellent neighbors. It's easy to take that for granted. So, today, I'm thankful.
6) My clean stove rocks. Just had to add an extra thanks there.
7) I'm thankful for dress-up boxes. This is my Caleb last night. Dressed as a mad scientist. It just took some hairspray, some $1 glasses from the dollar section at Target, and an old white pajama shirt. Perfect!
Caleb the Mad Scientist
with Indiana Jones in the background
with Indiana Jones in the background
8) I love being home with my kids. I'm thankful. Yes, some days are tremendously hard. Despite those I wouldn't change it for the world.
9) And, speaking of being home, I am grateful for the freedom to homeschool. It's a freedom that so many, many families in other countries do not have -- this freedom is a gift. And one that I do not take for granted.
science with Grace
10) Speaking of school, I'm thankful to finally have established our routine. It takes me, well, it looks like 2 months, to settle into our new year. My range in kids -- from highschool down to one year old Samuel -- makes for an interesting year. I'm blessed. What are you thankful for today? It could be the coffee in front of you (like me). Or the kids that are just waking up. Or the excitement as you finalize your adoption. Or for a great church. Or blogging friends. Or even the freedom to blog -- to express ourselves. Or to worship openly.
Time keeps moving.
Have a blessed Monday.

One more thing, I have a friend who's almost two year old daughter has dealt with seizures her entire life. As of yesterday, this sweet child was in the hospital, and was not expected to survive. Would you pray for this family? Thank you.