the whine redirected

It's not fair.

I don't want to do more.

I did that last time.

It's not, not, not fair.


Three little words -- it's not fair -- spoken so freely at times in my home.  Whether it's the dishes, or the laundry, or tidying up a room, all too often I hear those disgruntled words muttered from the mouths of my babes.  That statement drives me batty.

The work would go faster with a good attitude.

Yet, there's a tendency to get stuck in making everything equal.  Life simply isn't fair -- I'll tell them.  When my kids adopt an attitude of needing everything fair - it spins our entire day in a frenzy.  It's not about fair.  It's about an attitude of servanthood. Of looking beyond self and seeking to help those around you.  Even if it's your seven year old brother or fourteen year old sister.

The sooner one can let go of the idea of trying to make everything equal and balanced - the sooner there can be peace found in one's heart.   Trust me.  I know.  How often do I lament how things don't seem fair in my own life?  And when I allow my thoughts to linger there the more discontent I become.

Life isn't about fair.

When the heart is right, work is easier, and it's not fair is no more.

As a family we work on heart issues.  We emphasize the good in those around me or the blessings we have or how we should be grateful for the dishes to put away or the clothes to fold.  When the perspective shifts from self then the need to be fair in everything lessens.

Can you guess what kind of day we've had so far?

And can I tell you that now it's developing into a beautiful day?

The sun is shining.  The dishes are done.  And my children are grateful.