snow angels


To be a child.  To fall backwards into freshly fallen snow.  To let go. To not worry about how we look. To wave our arms and enjoy life.

To laugh.

Sometimes life loses the snow-angel moments.  The daily grind overwhelms.  The laundry piles up. The responsibilities crush.  Soon, instead of seeing the beauty in life, we begin to see all there is to do.  Or that we haven't done.  Or where we've failed.

Where did the freedom go?

It's not gone.  It's still there -- we just need to see it.  To realize that even with all the endless lists of things to do there can be joy.  And laughter.  And winning.  How often do we describe ourselves as failing and not winning?

It's time to change.

Instead of focusing on where we fall-short, I believe it's time to look at where we excel.  What we've done right.  I did read to the kids.  I was patient when half the gallon of milk spilled on my clean floor.  I laughed at my five year old's jokes. I listened. That's winning.  Not failing.

And that brings freedom.

Today, I'm going to be grateful for the good steps.  There are still challenges, but instead of letting myself dwell on the hard, I'm going to fall backwards, stretch my arms, and enjoy life in the midst of a crazy busy schedule.  With laundry, and cleaning, and cooking and teaching.  It's a change of perspective.  Seeing the snow, seeing life, with new eyes -- and living free.