Caleb's Bible

eating an apple

About a month ago a representative for the Gideon's Ministry came to our church.  He chatted about the need for funding and also informed us of their huge ministry of donating Bibles.  After church, they handed out Bibles to anyone in the church who was interested.  And my four year old Caleb received a little pocket Bible.

That he carries with him everywhere.

He doesn't know how to read yet.  Well, he actually can read, and if you can believe this he taught himself, but he cannot yet read the words in his Bible.  Yet, he still holds it in his hands throughout the day.  Yesterday, several times I'd watch him run around outside (or backside according to my two-year old, Elijah) clutching the now worn Bible in his hands.  When my neighbor came up to chat with me he ran up telling her about his Bible.  When the seven year old neighbor boy ran over after school Caleb proudly showed him his  Bible.  "It's mine!  My very own Bible!" he'd proudly shout.

Dad wrote this for him

Oh, to have the pride that Caleb has over his Bible.  Although he can't read the words he understands the significance and importance of having His Word with him throughout the day.  It's so easy to slip into the mentality of doing life all by one's self.  We put God on a shelf and pull Him out when we need Him.  And typically, it's during times of need, or crisis, or sorrow.  But, the Lord desires that we carry Him, need Him, all the time.  Every day.

We have an over-abundance of 3x5 notecards at our home.  We use them for everything.  Science notes, spelling words, clues, math name it? ...and we use it.  Including Bible verses.  I love having a card with the truth of the Lord in my pocket.  So that it can be pulled out...during all times.

I need to take a lesson from Caleb and carry His Word with me always. Maybe I don't have a Gideon's Bible in my pocket, but I've got His truth imprinted on my heart.  It's a matter of priority.  Caleb instinctively knew the need to carry the Word.  Oh how I desire for that instinct to be part of my own heart.

one of my note cards


On a different note, my Samuel is now CRAWLING.  Or at least, scooting.  My life has taken another dramatic turn....

Go, Samuel, Go!