In our house almost all of our light bulbs have burned out. In a week. I'll walk in the kitchen, flip on the light, and pop another bulb in our light fizzles out. The hall light is out. Two in the family room. One in the upstairs hallway. And now, four out of five on our chandelier. (one that I secretly hope to replace...soon) Pretty soon there will be no light over our dining room table. We'll have to eat by candlelight. :)
1 out of 5
We have no light bulbs. Every time I go to Target I think to myself not to forget light bulbs. And then, lo and behold, I come home, empty my bags, and discover that once again I did not buy those elusive light bulbs. I should write a note. Or stop telling myself, "don't forget." After all, our brains don't understand the negative so all my brain is hearing is, "forget, forget, forget." Maybe I'm trying to secretly see how few light bulbs we can really get by on. Maybe?It's a great analogy for my kids about how we, as the Lord's followers, are lights. Is my kitchen dark? Nope. I can still see around, can still read a book, and still prepare dinner. All with one 60 watt lightbulb shining in it's globe. Where there is light...there is no darkness.(think 1 John 1:6) Beyond that, it truly illustrates the idea of "two or three being gathered together" with much more power than me just chatting about it. Think about it. With one light, there is no darkness. But, with two or three or more the darkness is overwhelmed!
light in the darkness
Maybe I've forgot those lightbulbs so that I can remind myself of the truth. Even as bloggers we can be light on this online community. It's easy to overlook the power of our words, and to think that "we're just blogging." Seriously...we need to reclaim this territory. We need to be lights in this online world. That's power.Now, I promise you that I'll be getting some lightbulbs. Soon. I can't chop onions in the dark. When I do, I'll post some after pictures for you. Just to show the light.
Ok. Now, you know I can hardly just do a post without a little bit of randomness. Hmmm...maybe I should switch my catch phrase to, "beautiful, connected, random, life." Ha ha ha. That's probably more the truth about me. It must be the seven kids. ;)
Anyways, we now have caterpillars in cocoons. That's a step in the right direction. It was intriguing to watch the caterpillar go through the last step of cementing itself in the cocoon. That, my blogging friends, is already on my list of potential blog posts. Let me just state that it didn't look TOO comfortable for that bug. Hmmm...what are we fighting against? See the post coming?
Finally, my daughter Hannah is hosting a fun blog post series called 4. It looks like tons of fun, and I know that I'm going to participate. Her whole intent is to forge friendships via this blogging community, and to foster new friendships. Could I slightly, and not so subtly nudge you over there? Click on her cute button and it will take you to her site.
Have a great Tuesday!