another update on my sweet Samuel

...just wanted to give you an update and thank you for the prayers.

His temp is hovering around between 101-103. Last night, for about two hours, I was able to get it down to 100.7.  This is good.   He's slept most of the day.  He's a bit agitated, but now for the last 10 minutes he was willing to play in his exersaucer.  Now, he's complaining a bit, so I'm going to pick up the cutie, but I'm so grateful that he had the energy to stand for a bit.  Earlier today he'd just rest on the floor and stare but not play. My momma's heart was aching for him.

this morning...

I'm praying he just got a funky virus and that things are on the mend.  I'd like for him to eat more, as he's probably eating about half of what he normally does.  Poor little man....

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the prayers.  I am so grateful.   Hopefully tomorrow everything is back to almost normal and I can't write a post that doesn't involve any medical needs. :)

this afternoon...