not junk

my path

My daughter, Hannah, wrote a post this morning that resonated deeply with me.  She wrote about how her identity is rooted in Christ, and yet struggles with defining herself based on self or others.  Did she know her mother's heart?  That struggle is my struggle.  How often do I define my success as a mother on how well the kids behaved at church? or walking through Costco? or on their test scores? Or my success as a homemaker on how clean my house is? or if the laundry is done? or dinner a fabulous made from scratch meal?

When my identity first comes from these goals then I am not focused on the Lord.  When Christ is at the center, then everything else goes through His filter of me.  Otherwise my life is filtered via myself....and that incorrect filter even filters Christ.  And thus, the lies about Him have space to take root in my heart.  You know the lies...I am not worth it...nothing will change.  With surrender, and letting go of agendas, and letting go of comparison there's freedom.

Hannah posted a video by The Skit Guys called God's Chisel on her blog.  In it they talk about how we are masterpieces of the Lord. My favorite line?

God doesn't create junk.

I love this. It's all too easy to look at the failures of life and ignore the successes.  I was moved by the video.  It's worth taking the nine minutes to watch, and to be reminded that we are all His masterpieces.

Have a blessed Saturday.  As you go through your day, I pray that you remember that you are beautiful, created for a reason, and precious in His site. 

(to watch the video and read Hannah's post please visit her at Aspire )