where is your worth rooted?

My grass is turning green.  A deep, luscious green.  From a distance one might think that my lawn is problem free.  Up close?  The problems would become visible.  A stray dandelion here, matted grass with thatch there, and sparsely spread out blades of grass.  And then if you cut out a piece, dug down to see the roots?  You'd see that despite the deep green the roots are shallow, struggling to grow deep. The green?  Due to a massive shot of high nitrogen fertilizer...when what the grass really needs goes beyond superficial chemicals.

another grass shot

From the outside (especially with this snazzy new haircut) it might appear that I've got it all together.  That I'm calm, organized, and always full of hope.  Yet, the closer you look the more you'd be able to see my insecurities.  Ahh...there's worry there.  Or fear.  And if you were able to cut a piece out and really look deep some hard truths might come out.  Like:

Where do I get my sense of worth?

Is it from me?  If so, then I fail.  Is it from others? Fail. Is it from money? Again, if so, I fail.  I've been discovering how easy it is for me to wander from having my roots embedded in Christ.  Do I really have faith that He is bigger than any situation?  Is he really real to me? Is God just as real as the coffee mug sitting in front of me? Truly?  Do I see and believe in His truth as much as I do that I can pick up the cup and sip coffee? Is He concrete in my mind?

looking deep

In my prayers and thoughts it has become a releasing of earthly ideals and a process of faith of believing God's truths. The more that I let go of, the freer I become.  And truly, once I give up on what the world declares as worthy then the roots of faith can begin to grow deep. Strong.  Then the "greenness" of my life is no longer something that is desperately worked at...think of how you can make grass green with a shock of fertilizer...and yet the roots stay shallow....but the green, the fruit of my life is from having my roots deep in Him.  That's where real worth comes from.  Now, to just get my brain to remember that truth.  It's that journey of faith.  Those moment by moment, day by day choices of choosing to live by faith, and not by self.

I'm going to end this post with a verse from a favorite hymn of mine...Oh, friends,  how I want to stop wandering....

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above

I pray these words bless you, and that your faith can grow deep roots in the love of God. The things of this world are hollow, but he is truth...and in Him is life.

Blessings on your Thursday!

just one more picture - how could I resist that cutie?


On a side note, thank you Lynnette at Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground for featuring my this week! I opened my email yesterday and I was getting all these sweet comments, many of which were saying "congrats on being featured!" Well, I jumped out of bed (sigh...busted again...I check my email on my phone in bed before I "officially get up")and ran downstairs to check my blog. At the very same second, Hannah came running up (she had been waiting for me to get up. She gets up around 6am so she can work on her graphic design stuff) and starts grinning madly. Anyways, long story, I was featured.

 Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lynnette. It was really sweet of you to think of me like that. I am grateful.!

And if you haven't visited Lynnette's blog...which I cannot imagine as she has a huge following...check her out. She's worth reading. She's a life giver, and her words give hope.


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