how I feel
I know I have seven children....and four of them are boys. I expect noise. But, let me tell you, it has been raining here for the past three days. And it's cold. So my wonderful, energy-filled boys are cooped up in my home. And their volume is steadily increasing.The noise, noise, noise!
my boys
I've decided that before I pull any more hair out of my head, that I need a strategy to deal with the noise. At least today. Normally, it doesn't bother me...much. Here's my plan (hmmm...this reminds me of the family agenda post from two days ago).
Step 1: have Caribou Caramel Latte in hand
Step 2: thank God for these boys. Remember that they are all blessings.
Step 3: repeat step two.
Step 4: Turn on Leap Frog's "Letter Factory" for them to enjoy (and learn just a bit) while I write and develop a strategy
Step 5: Write. Think. Decide. Act
Step 6: Repeat second word of step five (I'm a bit stuck)
Step 7: Pull out Five in a Row book (more on this amazing book tomorrow. If you have young kids you need this book). Turn to study/activity on the book - The Story About Ping. Decided to spend rest of morning reading Ping and doing several projects.
Step 8: send the boys outside (dressed warmly) to look for worms (I know gross, but they love it)
Step 9: rejoice that naptime is only 2 hours away!
I've got a plan. Sometimes it just helps to process it out.
With regards to yesterdays family went lovely. When I was reading with Elijah he just nestled into me. It was so incredibly sweet. Chloe's testimony is complete. She talks about her fear when Todd was sick with cancer, and how our family leaned on Jesus. Then she related it to her verse:
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
I drew with Brennan for almost 30 minutes. I didn't do water-colors with Caleb, but I did end up taking him out to lunch with Todd. He asked us,
"if we could do this everyday...because it's the best day ever!"
a very full Caleb
I chatted with Hannah about blog design and life. And I lost (miserably) to Grace and Chloe to another game of Qwirkle. I rocked Samuel. So sweet...and so fleeting. All of you mamas with young baby's--take time to revel in their baby-i-ness. Time moves fast.Dinner was made. And no grumbling calls left my house. Now, did I get that nap? nope. (I did fall asleep very quickly after watching The Biggest Loser that I recorded on our dvr.) All in all?
It was a good day. Make that a great day.
One last thing (I promise...I know this post is long)
Barbie at A Freshly Brewed Life is hosting a give-away. The prize?
A Complete Blog Design (worth $65)
(who doesn't love a make-over...especially in the spring?)
Will you take a moment to check it out? It's very near and dear to me. Why? I think Barbie's amazing. She's a prayer warrior (trust me), has a kind spirit, and an awesome blog. Second? The blog makeover is being done by my daughter Hannah. She's done mine (notice the new header) and many others through her blog design business Vivid Design Studio. The Lord has blessed her with an eye to see the world and His beauty. So click on the link---and enter!

One last thing (I promise...I know this post is long)
Barbie at A Freshly Brewed Life is hosting a give-away. The prize?
A Complete Blog Design (worth $65)
(who doesn't love a make-over...especially in the spring?)
Will you take a moment to check it out? It's very near and dear to me. Why? I think Barbie's amazing. She's a prayer warrior (trust me), has a kind spirit, and an awesome blog. Second? The blog makeover is being done by my daughter Hannah. She's done mine (notice the new header) and many others through her blog design business Vivid Design Studio. The Lord has blessed her with an eye to see the world and His beauty. So click on the link---and enter!