Notes to Elijah

This is my moochie man.
He does not like you to call him anything but

I love, love, love that little guy - that little face - that spitfire of a boy.
When he was born we named him
Elijah Nathaniel
which means
The Lord is my God
Gift of God

I need to remind myself of the gift that Elijah is to me -- to our family.  He's in the midst of those challenging end of the twos.  He's busy, into everything, thinks he's big, and lacks some self-control.  His mamma is tired.  So this morning, before I begin the day and before he begins being busy I decided to remind myself of all the great and awesome gifts that Elijah brings to our life.

He is:

so sweet
refuses to call his number 6 during roll call
loves Jesus
instead of saying I he says mine-a
a jumper
a laugher
my gift from God -- truly
shrugs his shoulders when he doesn't know
always says thank-you
rides a little car all around the main level
a joy
a thinker
a child of God

So that when I see this later

I will remember



I've linked up to Fingerprints Fridays on TheRustedChain blog.
( I came back to read other blogs, read her entry, and knew I needed to link up.) 

 Elijah has the fingerprints of God all over him.
  He was our baby we had when we were told there would be no more due too the beast of cancer.
(and yes, we've had two since that prediction)