beautiful surprises and random thoughts

I was shopping at Target this morning and came across this on the clearance rack for $6.24.  I couldn't go wrong.  With Samuel being baptized this Sunday and Chloe being confirmed my little Elijah now has the perfect threads for a perfect day!

us pose Elijah?  nahhh...

love the tie

It was a full suit...pants, shirt, tie, and adorable clip on tie. Love it!!

I've been meaning to post about this since, well,  Mother's Day.  Life has been a bit crazy and stressful in the weeks that followed, and so the post waited.  Till today. :)

Hannah surprised me on Mother's Day with an ultra-gorgeous purse.  And I mean amazing.  She traded a blog remake for a purse courtesy of our very own blogger, Lindsay.  I always look forward to Lindsay's comments as she is so genuine, sweet and real.  Imagine my surprise when the purse came from her! (And, yes, I did do a little happy dance.)  The sewing is impeccable, and the attention to detail divine.  She is one talented seamstress....and I am one blessed mama.

my lovely purse

I carry my Bible in it

look at the gorgeous flower!


I couldn't believe my email when I heard that I had won the Seventh Generation Giveaway over at "Popp"ing Out One Letter at a Time.  I love their products, but more then that it's another reminder of how God sees all our needs.  In a week of challenges the neatest gifts have shown up.  It's amazing! The budget is super tight, and now I'm blessed with an abundance of cleaning products.  Yippee!!


Finally, I'm thinking about starting a meme type thread based off of my post titled The Family Agenda.  I was so encouraged by the emails and comments that day about how you, my lovely friends, made your own family agenda.  I was thinking of having it on Thursdays.  Anybody interested?  I'd do a link up, and we can all take just a few minutes of our times thinking about how we are going to bless our family that day.  Hannah is already itching to make a button for this. :)  Let me know...I'd love company if I put that link know?

We're off to a wedding tonight.  This is the first time that I have ever left Samuel.  I have a really, really, really hard time leaving him.  He's going to my parents....I know he'll be fine for those 3-4 hours.

how can I leave that cute face?

Have a blessed Friday!!